Let Down Your Ear

When our oldest son was about four years old, he came up to me one day. Motioning with his little hand he said, “Daddy, let down your ear.”

I knelt down and he told me something–about one of his toys–and I nodded in agreement. But the rest of the day I kept thinking about what he said (let down your ear), until it dawned on me: that’s how it feels sometimes with God! I have something to tell Him, but I can’t tip-toe that high. It’s feels too far. “Father, let down your ear.”

My neighbor is an avid cyclist. One day last year, out on a ride before dawn, he hit the end of a concealed culvert and went over the handlebars of his bike–breaking his neck.

He was care-flighted to a trauma center. Things did NOT look good. Three upper vertebrae were broken when he smashed face first into the pavement, and because he only had limited use of his arms, spinal cord damage was suspected.

I remember thinking, “God, this just can’t be happening. My friend goes on 100 mile rides–just for fun–and now he can’t even feed himself!?”

Our little town quickly mobilized in prayer and support for my neighbor and his family. What a pastor friend calls, “carpet chewing” prayers were going up for my injured friend, but were they reaching God’s throne?

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

1 John 5:14 (NIV)

Of course, He hears our prayers, but have you ever been desperate for good news that was slow to come?

“Father, let down your ear!”

My cycling buddy underwent surgery to fuse the broken vertebrae, and after months of physical therapy, made a almost complete recovery. However, he now rides a three wheel recumbent bike (like pedaling a recliner) on orders from his family!

Young children say the most profound things! Their innocent, literal thinking brains aren’t fogged over by adult cares and responsibilities. At times, they even speak for God (1 Samuel 3).

As a line from the song, Thank God for Kids says, “🎶The closest thing to heaven is a child.🎶”

A few months after my son said, “Daddy, let down your ear,” I opened my bible to Psalm 86, and there it was–almost word for word:

Bow down your ear, O Lord, hear me; For I am poor and needy.

Psalm 86:1 (NKJV)

God used a four-year-old to say the same thing King David prayed over 3000 years ago!







33 responses to “Let Down Your Ear”

  1. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thanks, Pete. That’s a great verse to go with the story.


  2. pastorpete51 Avatar

    Loved this post Dave. It gives such a wonderful picture of God’s eagerness to listen to us. It reminds me of the verse “Out of the mouth of babes you have perfected praise.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thanks, Chris. I shared this post with my miracle friend and he loved it! Yes, it is amazing how God reaches down to us. He knows we are just made out of dirt.☺️. Thank you for your comment and for stopping by. God’s best to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Chris Hendrix Avatar

    Glad your friend is better. I love the idea of God bending down to hear us. He can hear us from where He is, but like a good father, He meets us where we are. Plus there’s something intimate about the closeness of bring able to whisper in His ear. God hears our quietest prayers and His answers echo through eternity.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Yes, it truly was a miracle that my
    neighbor didn’t have more permanent damage. It’s still amazing seeing him work in his yard across the street!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Matcha Avatar

    I’m glad your friend made such a recovery. That doesn’t often happen in those accidents.

    I agree that sometimes children say things that are incredibly intelligent and perhaps even prophetic. It’s surprising where and how God speaks to us.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. God Still Speaks Avatar

    Technology is our friend yet again!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Ok. I will check. For some reason Yahoo doesn’t always let me know when I have mail. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. God Still Speaks Avatar

    p.s. I sent you an email that you have on your contact page.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thanks! Yes, it has been great to see the engagement on this story!
    I am glad you read and commented. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. ladysheepdog Avatar

    I also say beautiful. Another reminder how close and personal Jesus is to us. Also noticed how many comments you got and enjoyed others input.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you for reading and commenting, Manette. I concur that children have so much to teach us. God Bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. musingsofmanettekay Avatar

    The lessons I’ve learned from children are so pure and innocent. They leave a lasting impression as will your shared story. Thanks, David.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. God Still Speaks Avatar

    Carpet chewing prayers! I love it and plan to do some of those myself!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ladysag77 Avatar

    Absolutely 🙏 What a blessing they are David and you are for sharing these stories in your posts. I used to teach children dance and it’s something I’d love to do again one day. You’ve made my heart space happy today and reminded me how present God is within us, within children especially 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  16. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Wonderful! Your comment is a post in itself.🙂 I’ve worked with many special needs students as a teacher, and echo your thoughts about your coworker. Thank you for dropping by! I appreciate your thoughts, and am happy you enjoyed the story. Blessings.


  17. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you, Jeff. Yes, I’ve seen reruns of the show you mentioned. It’s really entertaining and enlightening to watch! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. God Bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. tastybiteweb Avatar

    This made me tear up! It’s so amazing what the simplest and sometimes profound things we learn are from kids. I do not have any of my own, but work with a guy with Down’s syndrome and he has taught me more in a year than a lifetime of anything else could. 🙂
    When I first started with him he told me, “Jesus gave me you.” Jesus knows what a big deal that is to me so, no matter what he means when he says it I know what it means to me. I always respond, “Jesus gave me you!”

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Jeffrey H. King Avatar

    Do you remember the old Art Linklater show? He’d interview kids and ask questions about them, their families, and anything else that might elicit a hilarious response. He recorded a lot of them in his book, Kids Say the Darndest Things!

    Sometimes they reveal family secrets, but they also offer wisdom so profound that the only other place it find it is in the Bible.

    Thanks for brightening my morning with this message!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Sorry, I hit return too soon.😐 Anyway, I have a page of little kid quotes in my journal. Perhaps they are the most pure (and effective) faith healers. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. davidsdailydose Avatar

    I can definitely relate! I recently spent two working years working with 4 & 5 year olds

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Ladysag77 Avatar

    Yes, children serve to remind us all of the truth with their innocence and curious wonder. Everything and anything is possible through prayer. All we do is say the words and God hears us. What a beautiful story with a striking image that is conjured through it. Indeed, God let’s down his ear to us. I know you can relate to my feelings that my own children have served as my greatest teachers in life. Out of the mouths of babes is an endeared quote I think of always❤

    Liked by 1 person

  23. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Yes, I’ve heard the term, “God Wink,” and this was definitely one of them. To me, it’s God’s two-factor authentication (to borrow a cyber security term) that’s most amazing. He often sends a confirmation—just so you know it was Him!

    Thank you for your frequent comments and interaction, Betty! I’m sure you follow lots of people, so seeing your thoughts here is a real pick-me-up.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Betty Avatar

    David, that is amazing! How wonderful to have those moments where one thinks, ” Whoa – This is more than just a coincidence.” Some call them “God winks”. Whatever these moments are called, I see them as faith building and encouragement from above! Thanks for your post!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you, Eirene. I’m touched that this analogy connected with you so powerfully. I prayed this morning that God would use this story to connect with someone—as many someone’s as He wanted. Blessings, and thank you for reading and commenting.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Eirene Avatar

    I hardly know how to respond….this post has affected me to the point of tears. “Father, let down your ear.” I think I will remember this for quite some time. God bless you David!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Don't Lose Hope Avatar

    Isn’t that beautiful … that this is God’s heart 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Yes, indeed. King David’s prayers are a window into what a close relationship with God looks like. After all, he was called a “Man after God’s own heart.” Thank you for your comment!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thanks, Beth. My four year old son is now 27! I sent him a link to this story as a reminder of that day. I am thankful for your regular reading and comments! Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Don't Lose Hope Avatar

    I often think the kind of speech King David uses in his conversations with God reflect the language a young child uses with their parents. It’s so touching. It highlights the close, tender and affectionate relationship God has for us. I’m always moved when I think he wants me to have that kind of relationship with him. What a privilege.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Beth Alisan Avatar

    “Young children say the most profound things! Their innocent, literal thinking brains aren’t fogged over by adult cares and responsibilities. At times, they even speak for God (1 Samuel 3).” So very, very true David. Thank you for sharing the profound words of your then four year old “Daddy, let down your ear” and the journey they took you into the Word and in praying for your neighbor. Heavenly Father, let down your ear today. Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Me too! Kids have such good reception; their lives aren’t too complicated for faith. Thank you for stopping by. I see you have something new. I’m headed that way now!


  33. My Life in Our Father's World Avatar

    I love when we learn life lessons from children. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

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