Majoring on the Minors

It was Wednesday night at the little community church—business meeting time. (A monthly meeting, open to all members, where church financial matters are discussed).

And people came from miles around, because they knew Mildred had an “axe to grind.” The meeting started with a holy hush; but it didn’t take much time. Until, you know who, stood up from her favorite pew and said, “There’s something on my mind!”

We don’t need a neon sign out in front of our church. It reminds me of a night club–where people dance and flirt. Let’s tear it down and build a brand new sign, with letters big and bold. And if the preacher minds his “p’s” and “q’s” we’ll put his name in gold.


The sign she wanted gone said “First Baptist Church” (gasp)😳. And it had stood in front of the building for over 50 years. After much debate, Mildred’s motion was tabled for further discussion.

But before the next monthly meeting came along, Mildred died. Arriving in heaven, she waited for her turn to see The Boss. And when she made it to the head of the line, God Almighty looked her right in the face and said, “Mildred, it’s about time!”

I don’t mind a neon sign out in front of my church. It reminds folks to come to the light, so I can heal their hurts. Mildred, I don’t care if the pulpit’s pink and the carpet’s lime green. I just wanted you to do what I said and love me more than anything.


Do you ever find yourself majoring on the minors? As I’ve mentioned before, I have a “That’s not fair!” button and it’s way too easy to press. And, once the push is made, a lengthy bout of self-pity inevitably ensues.

Please don’t be like Mildred, or me. Don’t let those little minor-monkeys out of the barrel!

The very fact that you have legal disputes among yourselves shows that you have failed completely. Would it not be better for you to be wronged? Would it not be better for you to be robbed? Instead, you yourselves wrong one another and rob one another, even your own brothers!

1 Corinthians 6:7-8 (GNT)






38 responses to “Majoring on the Minors”

  1. Loved by the King of kings Avatar

    Thanks! Blessings to you as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Yes, indeed. We tend to fixate on things that don’t honor God and aren’t good for us, to boot. But, like you said, there is no greater thing than knowing and following Jesus. I am grateful for your input. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Loved by the King of kings Avatar

    I had forgotten about that barrel of monkeys game! I used to really like to play that!
    I enjoyed your post.
    The things we get stuck on, like the Israelites in the wilderness! At least they were fussing about food and water! (Exodus 16:11,12)
    What’s God says is important is that we come to know Him and His Son, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. davidsdailydose Avatar

    I appreciate your kind words, Tina. Writing encouraging reminders is my highest goal. Thankfully, God isn’t susceptible to our human failings. That’s why looking to Him (continually) is such a good idea. Blessings!


  5. davidsdailydose Avatar

    “Stay I’m your lane and within your portfolio.” I love it, brother! Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jeffrey H. King Avatar

    I’m reminded of the saying “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” It helps me not worry about the “minors” in life. I like the Mildred story! Stay in your lane and within your portfolio.!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Tina Avatar

    Yeah, we all major on the minors sometimes 😕 unfortunately. It’s a human failing. Thankfully we know the healer of all human failings and He encourages us to keep our eyes on Him through fine folks like yourself who also major in encouragement and reminders. Thanks David. 🙂 Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you, Angel! I appreciate your reading and commenting. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Musings&Roses Avatar

    Great analogy. Easy to understand! Thanks for the post!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. davidsdailydose Avatar

    I understand what you’re talking about, Scribelady. Legalism is also a entry point for pride. It’s much better to find true liberty in Christ. Thank you for your comment. God Bless.


  11. scribelady Avatar

    You commented that “…legalism is so easy to fall into.” Years ago I attended a legalistic church. The people were friendly, but the church culture–the rules– was not, and I think it messed with my mind, hindered my faith, and removed capacity for joy. I think legalism is easy to fall into because people want rules. But legalism is as far removed from God’s love as being permissive/liberal is; it just doesn’t appear that way. Once a person is in a legalistic atmosphere, spiritual pride is more likely.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Exactly, brother. We all need more divine perspective in our lives. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you and Susan as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Alan Kearns Avatar

    I must admit David, this post made chuckle as I remembered past church meetings I have been to and heard “Mildreds” give their tuppence worth on what was grinding their gears. The thing is, and you highlight it well, we can all too often be just like Mildred. Let us take our eyes off our agenda and look on Him, He will lead us on the right path! Thank you brother, may our Father God bless you and your family today.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you! I appreciate your reading and then sharing your thoughts. As a cancer survivor, I bet you’ve learned how not to major on the minors. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Yes, the song came first. I decided to leave most of the rhyming words, because it’s how I told the story the first time. A good song is like a good novel, but only a few minutes long. Thanks for reading and commenting, Crystal!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. The Quiet Roarer Avatar

    This is great David! I am adding that phrase “majoring in the minors” alongside another favorite “not my monkeys, not my circus” which your reference to the monkeys coming out of the barrel reminded me of too!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Crystal Byers Avatar

    I was thinking the same. Sounds like a song. Now I know. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Stopping to pray, when minor things start to matter too much, is a good idea, Joseph. It’s like pressing a “pause” button–to allow ourselves to regroup in the Lord. Thank you for sharing this! Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. ropheka Avatar

    I think we all experience this.
    The best thing I do is stop and pray. Jehovah blesses me with peace and strength.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Yes, but I believe the world would be a better place if more girls were in charge. I’d put you and Sally, from Newfoundland, at the top of the list!


  21. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Sounds like a good read. I need to check that one out. When we choose to be offended, it’s like throwing a rock. Once it’s airborne there’s no controlling it. Thank you for your contribution, Bridget. Your comments are often posts in themselves!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Bridget A. Thomas Avatar

    One of the books on my TBR pile is “The Bait of Satan” by John Bevere. It is a book that talks about how we are all easily offended today, especially in the church. And being easily offended tears us apart. I pray we can learn to let things go and hand them over to the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. davidsdailydose Avatar

    I understand what you mean, Betty. Growing up, my home church was very conservative, even legalistic. It sure seems like legalism is so easy to fall in to. Thanks for your comment, and for reading my weekly ramblings. Blessings to you and Dan.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Don't Lose Hope Avatar

    Hahaha .. You give me plenty of food for thought!!! And the ground is level at the foot of the cross … We’re equal, with different gifts, from the same Father!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. davidsdailydose Avatar

    God’s love truly should be at the beginning of any equation in life. Otherwise, the answer won’t be right—at least in heavenly terms. It’s an honor to give someone, such as yourself, food for thought. ☺️ thank you!


  26. Betty Avatar

    Growing up, I remember some making a fuss about what clothing was worn in church. Now, I can see some things would be inappropriate, but even wearing blue jeans back then was strongly criticized. In those days, we didn’t have holes in our blue jeans (like so often now) and they certainly didn’t hang down low – which I find oddly weird and comical. I remember thinking, “At least these people are in church!” However, as I write this and while I think my opposition to the no jeans folks is valid, I have to remind myself not to major in the minors, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. davidsdailydose Avatar

    You’re welcome, CG. Thank you for reading and responding. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you, Manu. Hey, that rhymes!😀

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  29. Don't Lose Hope Avatar

    This is such an important reminder. It’s so easy to get out of balance and start majoring on the minors. At the end of the day the Gospel is about love. That’s what we should be fixing our thoughts upon. How do we become more loving? ARE we more loving, what does loving look like to the people we are trying to reach? Lots of food for thought in this post! Thanks David.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. CG Thelen Avatar

    Oh my… reminds me of the debate our church had years ago about updating the sign out front and renaming the church. The ensuing battle ended with the sign remaining as it was and fortunately the congregation remained intact. Thanks for sharing this story.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Manu Avatar

    Such a good point you make here. Let’s not try and major on the minors – love it.

    Liked by 2 people

  32. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you, Lori. I love God too! Loving myself, and others, is sometimes a different story. I appreciate your stopping by.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. lorietalkslife Avatar

    But the “music’s too loud”, “lights too bright”, “ they’re always telling me to volunteer”. Sheesh, there’s no stopping me! Thank you David. I better get my behind back to church tomorrow. Yes I love God!

    Liked by 2 people

  34. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thank you, Cindy. Economy of words is something I definitely aim for. But, like you say, it isn’t always easy. Thank you for reading and commenting. Blessings to you as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Cindy Dawson Avatar

    I love the way you can make a strong point so succinctly. This is my writing goal, but it’s so hard to do! Great post! Blessings, David!

    Liked by 3 people

  36. My Life in Our Father's World Avatar

    You are so talented. Your students are truly blessed!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. davidsdailydose Avatar

    Thanks, Barb. The musical vibe is there because this story is also a song called, “The Neon Sign” I wrote years ago. Thanks for sharing!


  38. My Life in Our Father's World Avatar

    Great lesson!

    I also like the “musical” vibe.

    Liked by 3 people

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